5 Things for your child to do this Summer
1. Take a trip
One of the best things to do during the summer is to take a family vacation. Exploring new areas does wonders for decluttering the mind of an overworked and stressed out parent, while also providing valuable time for children and parents alike to connect and develop a stronger bond through shared experience. One recommendation though, ask your child where they would be interested in exploring. Let them take an integral role in planning the trip and make the whole endeavor a collaborative experience. Showing your child that you value their opinion and trust them with something as big as planning an international family vacation can do wonders for building up their confidence in the much smaller endeavors that they will face on the day to day of their remaining school career. Also, at the end of the day, some good R&R time is good for everyone and just all-around fun!
2. Organize an event with friends
Encourage your child to organize a sports league, book club, or any type of group activity with their friends. This is another great chance for a child to develop their leadership skills by being empowered to organize a group of peers. Even if they are just setting up a weekly pick-up basketball game with a group of friends at the local rec, your child will have something to look forward to on a weekly basis that they feel autonomy and empowered to stay on top of.
3. Take up a new hobby or skill
The Summer is a time when children will have substantial downtime. This is a great chance to enroll your child in a photography class, guitar lessons, painting courses, help them learn to cook, or anything under the sun. You might be surprised and help them to find their new passion. The Summertime is the perfect chance to try new things and explore new areas of interest without the stressors of school getting in the way. Maybe you have an old hobby that you’ve never shared with your child. Sharing your hobbies is a great way to bond and show your child a side of you they might not have seen through all of the “being a parent” that normally overruns your relationship during the hectic times of the school year.
4. Tackle more than just your summer reading list
Reading is an enjoyable way for your child to keep their mind active during mellow Summer days. Reading has been a proven method for helping with stress reduction, improved vocabulary, boosted memory and focus, as well as fostering the development of strong analytical thinking skills. Also, sitting down with a good book can help stimulate your child’s imagination and help them learn valuable life lessons without hearing it from the parent. Reading can be your child’s personal mentor.
5. Setting goals for the school year
The Summer is a great time to help your child be intentional about what their goals are for the upcoming school year. If they’re in High School, the Summer can be a great time to help your child set clear personal goals for achieving a higher GPA, joining a new sports team, or becoming more involved to bolster a stronger resume on their college application. Clear goal setting can give opportunities for your child to measure their progress throughout the year and help them begin to take autonomy in their pursuit of a fruitful educational career.